The Wizard Behind The Biggest Global Themes Our Century

Brooke Whistance
4 min readSep 9, 2019
Henrik Von Scheel — The Wizard Behind The Biggest Global Themes Our Century

Henrik von Scheel is the architect behind the digital and 4th Industrial Revolution global themes today. His work triggers global themes, influences GDP growth resets policies, and shapes the performance of the fastest growing Fortune 100 companies. He has been named as one of the leading authorities on strategy and competitiveness by the Financial Times.

A hundred years from now, Ray Kurzweil, Henrik von Scheel, Michio Kaku, and Aubrey de Grey would be known as the “futurists of our century” who would have altered our life. Nothing gets old as fast as the future.

There are many futurists, but one stands out as the architect behind the digital revolution and 4th Industrial Revolution global themes that have altered every aspect of our lives, economy, how we live, consume, work, and relate to one another.

Henrik von Scheel thinks, talks, writes, and presents about the future and how to create it. Often referred to as the wizard of our century, he is a rare breed of a futurist rooted in a practical foundation, and one of the leading authorities on strategy. Named by Financial Times as one of the leading authority on strategy and competitiveness. One of the most influential board members and quoted by Eric Schmidt as “One of the most pre-eminent strategic advisors of his generation”.

His work is applied to national economies, triggered global themes, influenced GDP growth, reset policies in governments, and shaped the performance of the fastest growing fortune 100 companies. He is behind the scene track-record of 23% of the Fortune 500 and 11 of the G20 such as Apple, Amazon, DuPont, Google, Gazprom, IKEA, Netflix, Raytheon, Nestle, Pfizer, Verizon, to name a few.

His source is from the field of patternicity (the science of finding meaningful patterns, outline the formal structures and describe the pragmatics) and has identified repeatable patterns of the outperformers and underperformers over the past 25 years. The most recognizable are packaged as best practices (what works well), industry practices (performance accelerators), leading practices (hyper growth patterns) and anti-patterns (what not to do).

Digital Revolution

As part of the Advisory Council at the Federal Minister of Economy & Technology, Henrik von Scheel played a significant role to define Germany future digital strategy in 2009. The “Digital Agenda” was adopted by the European Commission in 2010 as part of the Europe 2020 and evolved into the Industry 4.0 “Digital Agenda” is one of Europe’s seven flagship — responsible for 5% of GDP, with a market value of €660 billion annually.

Fourth Industrial Revolution

As one of the founding fathers and driving force behind this Industry 4.0, he was an Advisory Group member for the Federal Ministry Education & Research — inter-ministerial innovation policy initiatives tasked to define the high-tech strategy of Germany. The final “Industry 4.0” report was announced in April 2013.v cv

Growing Your Business — The Essentials For Success

You have established a company, and are now you are struggling to make it grow. Businesses don’t grow overnight, and in an increasingly competitive landscape, it’s often quite difficult for companies to adjust to their surroundings. Not many business owners are able to do it. Amongst the ones who do include one of Denmark’s most influential businessmen, Henrik Von Scheel.

Scheel is a businessman, speaker, and an author who is widely regarded as one of the founding fathers of Industry 4.0. He is also a consultant for many Fortune 100 companies and plays a vital role in modern digital themes. Henrik Von Scheel currently serves as the Director of Collax GmbH, Global University Alliance, Google EMEA, Capital Investment Partners, and the World Economic Forum. He’s been in the business industry for more than 15 years, and has closely witnessed how the industry has evolved over time.

Growth is vital for all entrepreneurs. But to develop your company, you must go through certain unavoidable steps: a business model, a good customer relationship, a capacity for innovation, and never-ending desire to succeed.

Have an evolutionary business model

This is the first step to follow. A business model gives you clear direction and objectives.

To develop it, start by setting goals to reach within a deadline: a number of customers and turnover to obtain before the end of the year. This business model must be adaptable and take into account market developments and in particular your sector of activity. Do not forget to increase your objectives from one year to the next and list the means to implement to achieve this.

Evaluate your activity

Never stop questioning your strengths and weaknesses in the market. Developing your business requires a thorough understanding of the issues related to your sector of activity. Does your offer always match the demand? Are your goals still relevant? Do not hesitate to carry out an internal audit once a year to evaluate the skills of your employees, as well as their involvement in the pursuit of the set of objectives.

Keep your customers loyal

How to develop your business without a good business relationship? To win and retain customers, you must be attentive and available. They will be your relays to get new contracts. A lasting customer relationship attests to the quality of your offer. They are also indicators of the evolution of demand in your market. Developing your business, therefore, requires constant attention to your existing customer-base while continuing to look for better opportunities.

