How COVID-19 Raises Concern About Fire Protection?

Brooke Whistance
4 min readJul 9, 2021


How COVID-19 Raises Concern About Fire Protection
Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

We absolutely live in extremely challenging times, and it’s essential to know how COVID-19 will influence all parts of our lives. Most are presumably at present influenced by the stay-at-home orders and stopped business operations. With rising issues over employment, bills, and COVID itself, it very well may be simple to disregard other possible debacles. Nonetheless, wildfires are an undeniable threat for some regions in the U.S., and there are expanded dangers because of the pressure COVID is exerting on numerous emergency departments. In the event that you own a business or home in states vulnerable to wildfire, right now is an ideal opportunity to consider a fire protection tank for your home or business. We’ll go over some vital developments of how COVID-19 influences firefighting administrations, show how fire protection tanks can support firefighters and families with battling fire and reveal some incredible tank solutions to you.

The Lethal Impact of COVID-19

As per CNBC, firefighting services over the United States have been seriously hampered by COVID-19. Numerous firefighters are sick as well as quarantined, leaving numerous stations understaffed and spread thin. Emergency services are additionally strained, which means response times might be slower. Tragically, the nature of firefighting makes it a lot simpler for the infection to spread. These firemen will frequently live in a cramped campground, working in close proximity with other people who conceivably have the infection. In the event that an outbreak occurs inside one of these camps, the outcomes could be calamitous.

In states like California and Washington, the typical rapid wildfire prevention techniques are probably going to not be nearly as extensive because of an absence of available workers. A dry winter implies that numerous northern states could witness rapid wildfires as early as mid-May. There is a ton of stress that states may not be well equipped to deal with wildfires. Add to the fact that numerous individuals have hunkered down at home, the idea of turning out to be a victim to a fire with stressed city services can be alarming.

SteelCore Tank Comes to the Rescue

Fire protection tanks can be helpful for those living in rural regions or zones with overwhelmed firefighting administrations. These tanks do not just support firefighters when they show up; they additionally can help work an autonomous firefighting framework like sprinklers introduced inside buildings. These tanks can be particularly significant in territories without access to municipal service, yet also because of current conditions that have led to the rise of unresponsive firefighting services.

While these tanks ordinarily hold water, they can likewise hold combustible fluids to keep the substance from bursting into flames and making a much more grounded fire and adding to its appalling impacts. SteelCore Tank’s weather-proof tanks likewise ensure that the substance (water or combustible fluids) will not spill because of adverse tempests or winds.

Why Fire Protection Tanks Are Important

A rapidly spreading fire or inadvertent fire can have a disastrous consequence on your property, business operations, and even your or other’s lives. Having a fire protection tank can help supply sprinkler frameworks and other firefighting techniques without requiring actual firemen. Regardless of whether you do need support extinguishing the flames, it is a lot simpler for firemen to attach to a tank than attempting to discover a fire hydrant or other water source. Sometimes these tanks can likewise lessen the load on municipal services, as helicopters carrying water to fight flames can regularly refill utilizing a portion of these tanks eliminating the need to land and burn through valuable time.

Incredible Features of SteelCore Tank’s Steel Bolted Water Storage Tank Solutions:

The standard is G90 Galvanized Steel, while SteelCore Tanks use G115 Galvanized Steel as a norm, which on average has a 27% higher Zinc content for added protection and life span and can provide G140 Galvanized Steel for high salt or acidic conditions.

SteelCore Tank’s liners come in thickness between 20 to 45 Mil and furthermore XR-3 and XR-5, which are ideal for most water storage applications. It additionally gives NSF61 certified for potable water uses, non-certified choices for irrigation or crude water use, and EPA-endorsed liners for wastewater purposes.

Furthermore, the steel structure of SteelCore Tanks can be designed to ZONE 4 SEISMIC and wind speed of 165 MPH, with a Snow Load of 5Olbs per square foot. Also, these tanks can arrive in an assortment of colors utilizing their custom powder coating process to coordinate any shading on the Pantone scale. Being a woman-owned business, founded by Nicole Oblad in December 2015 SteelCore Tank truly reflects her ultimate entrepreneurial spirit in a male-dominated niche.

