Do physical disabilities fetter your career?

Brooke Whistance
3 min readJun 30, 2021


Do physical disabilities fetter your career?
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Disabilities are destined, and one cannot change this reality. The best way to stave them off is to accept them — every individual desire to emerge as a top-notch personality and achieve sheer success. To reach phenomenal heights, it is paramount to accept your deficiencies or disabilities and continue your toil for flourishment.

If you perceive disabilities as a curse imposed upon you, you cannot excel in life. Hence, it is crucial to approach them in a constructive demeanor and work hard along with them. It would help if you turned your weaknesses into your strengths. This will not only help you retain confidence but also foster you in rising to sky-high levels.

It is commonly believed that it is the ability of the mind that matters the most. The capacity of the mind to think, analyze and devise strategies for self-development and ways to achieve success and flourishment is what counts. This cancels out the importance of disabilities in fettering your career.

On the contrary, individuals acquiring physical disabilities are unique and different. In some cases, nature has bestowed them with extraordinary talents which can help bring about a radical change in society and various professions. When nature takes one thing away from them, it grants them something special.

Therefore, it is crucial not to look upon them with repugnance or hate. They are also humans with slight differences. One should not mock them for their unique characteristics or distinct features. Instead, they should be treated equally and given equal opportunities to showcase their talents. Disabled individuals are no less than ordinary beings and should be granted chances to unleash their expertise and skill set.

Moreover, disabled individuals mustn’t let their incapacities come into their way and wreck their streamlined careers. They should always stay high-spirited and work hard to achieve exceptional affluence and prosperity. Disabilities are mere excuses not to work. A successful man will never let his maladies ruin his road to success.

As a result, with a dash of positivity coupled with a smile on your face, one should keep working and keep shining. There exists no perfect individual. Everyone has some shortcomings. Some have physical defects while others are hindered with the prison of their own thoughts. Following that, victorious is he who accepts these imperfections once and does not pay much heed towards them.

There are numerous examples of individuals who, despite having extreme physical disabilities, have made their name in different metiers. Stretching from Stephen Hawking, Ralph Braun, and Marlee Matlin to Stevie Wonder and Sudha Chandran, the list is non-exhaustive. All these individuals had major defects and deficiencies but still emerged as second to none world-famous personalities.

Another example of a person born with cerebral palsy and no sight in his right eye is Claiborne Douglass Haughton Jr, who is now a rip-roaring personality. Claiborne had tough early years where along with his disabilities, he lived in an orphanage for 12 years until he was reunited with his family. However, the strong and passionate personality did not give up on his life and worked hard to become a successful military man.

Claiborne achieved remarkable success being a government official in the Department of Defence(DoD) and has experience of 40 formative years. He has received immense coverage and recognition while working for the nation. Currently, Douglas is President/CEO of the Haughton Group, LLC, for the last 17 years, where the top-tier personality shares his expertise with an even wider audience. In addition, he is an exceptional motivational speaker and has received multiple standing ovations for his keynote speeches.

The man of power has proven to the world that disabilities do not wreck your career, and one can emerge as a top-tier personality if he or she truly works for it. Today whatever Claiborne is, it is a result of his self-made and hard-working nature.

As the award-winning screenwriter has worded perfectly that,

“When you focus on someone’s disability, you’ll overlook their abilities, beauty, and uniqueness. Once you learn to accept and love them for who they are, you subconsciously learn to love yourself unconditionally.”

